by Autumn Ryan, Founder and CEO I think I’m seeing more homes decorated for Halloween than ever. Attribute the surge to Covid-19? Seems like the...
How To Use Disinfectant Wipes
by Autumn Ryan, Founder and CEO Are you using disinfectant wipes correctly? Last week Andrea did a great job explaining why “reading the fine...
Read the Fine Print
by Andrea Velasquez Customer Interface Manager and Certified Clinically Clean® Specialist Andrea is a Certified Clinically Clean Specialist. Among...
Cleaning Up After Your Pet
by Pat Cummings & Mac Warehouse Manager and Certified Clinically Clean® Specialist Pat is our logical Logistics and Warehouse Manager. She also...
Three Strikes And You’re Out!
by Gus Scannapieco, Certified Clinically Clean® Specialist While researching information for our Disinfection Tips, I kept running across...
How To Clean To Prevent Allergies
by Dana Ryan, Certified Clinically Clean® Specialist We are right in the middle of the two most severe weeks for ragweed pollen. If you’re...
Cleaning After Flooding
by Autumn Ryan, Founder and CEO As I’m writing this, Hurricane Laura has become a Category 4 and is just a few miles from the Louisianna/Texas...
Cleaning The Wrong Way
by Dana Ryan, Certified Clinically Clean® Specialist Fox News broke a story last week that “amid coronavirus, more than a third of US adults...
Antimicrobial vs. Antibacterial? What’s The Difference?
by Autumn Ryan, Founder and CEO Both antimicrobials and antibacterials act on different types of microorganisms. Antibacterials destroy or...
What’s the Difference Between Disinfecting & Sanitizing?
From the Infection Prevention Experts—Aseptic Health Even most dictionaries get it wrong…disinfecting and sanitizing are not interchangeable....