First Responders

Aseptic Health has developed a new technology to neutralize potent compounds such as fentanyl and heroin to keep emergency responders safe.

EMS & Firefighters
Firefighters and EMS personnel are exposed to dangerous viruses, bacteria and mold on a daily basis as first responders. They are at a heightened risk of infection due to constant unknown exposure when responding on the front lines. Deadly viruses and bacteria like VRE, CRE, MRSA, Klebsiella and now SARS-CoV-2 are just a few invisible enemies that first responders need to be prepared to fight. Furthermore, the constant wearing of personal protective equipment day in and day out increases the risk of catching one of these nasty germs depending on proper equipment and garment care.

Law Enforcement
Law enforcement personnel never know what they are walking into. On a day to day basis, they are being exposed to dangerous viruses, bacteria and mold. While these threats are mostly invisible to the naked eye, law enforcement personnel must be equipped to take on serious and potentially life-threatening enemies such as VRE, CRE, MRSA, Klebsiella and now SARS-CoV-2 as they serve and protect their communities. Law enforcement officers are even more at risk if their personal protective equipment, tools and weapons are not properly disinfected.